Create A "Magnet"ficent Board to show off some of your best photos, inspirational ideas or important items to remember!
Up-Cycled Plastic Bathing Suit Forms-
Create your own dress form! I made so many of these! If you are a Modge Podge lover, like me, this tutorial is for you! You can also make little ones from the plastic dress forms the doll clothes come with :)
Up-Cycled Magazine Ads-
I love advertising! My degree is in Advertising Art and Design. Photography was always one of my favorite subjects. After I'm done reading a magazine, it kills me to throw away some of the beautiful photos and ads. So what do I do? Up-cycle them silly! They make beautiful cards and tags :)
Up-Cycled Toddler Dress to a Fancy Schmancy Apron
I'm sure I am not the only one who has a child that ruins her party dresses! Well, her stained dress just became your new fancy apron!